Sunday, January 09, 2005

NFL Coverage

Sometime during every NFL broadcast, it seems, we get a camera shot of a player who is not in the game, sitting on a stationary exercise bike, pedaling. La De Da!#$%&^^%(* This is not exciting. It is not interesting.

What is the value of this image? Are the broadcasters trying to tell me that there is something worthwhile happening off the field? "OoooWow..... Look here! A football player pedaling a stationary exercise machine on the sidelines. I didn't know they did that! Oh my, those zany football players. Always trying to get an edge. What will they think of next?"

If the stationary exercise machine is replaced with a motorcycle, I'm all for cutting away to that player just as he attempts to leap it over a dozen Greyhound buses. This endeavor is worthwhile. I am certain it would fire up the crowd and, if effected successfully at the proper moment, could swing momentum in favor of that players' team. Now that, would be an edge.

I hope the NFC (at least) undertakes this immediately . The NFC needs something. They've made no effort to produce any good football teams, at least make an effort to produce a good NFL broadcast.


  1. Go Vikes! The first to 5 is quite a feat.

  2. The Vikings upset of the Packers was something to see. I do not recall seeing any shots of anyone on an exercise machine.

    As for the Vikings being the first to 5, I am certain that viewers will rather see Moss leaping a motorcycle over a dozen greyhound buses.
