Thursday, February 03, 2005

Ever put a pet in the microwave???

Because the Pentagon has developed such a weapon to battle Iraqi insurgents. Microwaves are pretty cool, and work by emitting an electro-magnetic wave that is the same wavelength as the vibration of the hydrogens in a water molecule. As the wave passes, it gives the vibrating hydrogens of the water molecule a little extra push, making them vibrate faster and faster. That vibrational energy transforms into kinectic energy, which is the heat of the food. This is why only things containing water heat up when placed in a microwave. Microwaves also have other effects, which aren't as helpful, and why you shouldn't put metal things in the microwave.

Now back to my point. The army has developed a big microwave machine, and are planning to use it as a tool to combate insurgents that use crowds to hide when they launch their explosives. Basically, this microwave machine sends electro-magnetic radiation into a crowd of people causing their skin to burn and their bodies to heat up.

The link is below. I couldn't remember how to do that fancy trick where you make a word into a link.


Update: Mike - check out this post by editing it. By placing the text of the URL into the Link dialogue box in the post editor, it makes your title the actual link.

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