Thursday, January 20, 2011

Major League Baseball: Perks

I was doing some research into MLB contracts, and look at these perks I found.

1 - Backup Oriole infielder Cesar Itzturis has a $25k bonus, if he wins a Silver Slugger Award.

2 - Pitcher Chien-Ming Wang also has a Silver Slugger clause, for $50,000.

He is 0-14 lifetime at the plate.

3 - Three relievers, including Baltimore closer Joki Uehara, has a $30,000 bonus if he starts (that's right, starts) the All-Star Game.

4 - Nieces and Nephews Team slugger Stephen Mentzer has a $50 dollar bonus if he hits for the cycle on Memorial Day.

Unbelieveable stuff. Scot.

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