Monday, July 07, 2008

Baltimore Ravens plan to start releasing LIVE ravens durnig home games - - - animal activist groups upset.

* PETA Doesn't Like Idea Of Real Ravens At Games
* BALTIMORE (WJZ) ― After learning that the Baltimore Ravens plan to start using live ravens as mascots at home games, PETA has sent a letter to Gabrielle Dow, the Ravens' vice president of marketing. The letter urges her to abandon the idea and instead implement a policy prohibiting the use of live animals at Ravens games.
PETA points out that the bright lights, screaming fans and loud noises—such as air horns, music and amplified sound systems—that make sporting events exciting for fans can be terrifying for animals. PETA says plans reportedly include forcing the birds to fly through a smoky tunnel ahead of the team as the players run out onto the field. PETA believes that this stunt would be frightening, disorienting and potentially dangerous for the birds, who could escape and become lost in a strange environment. "If the Ravens want to increase fan support, they don't need cheap gimmicks. They just need to start winning games," says PETA Director Debbie Leahy. "Edgar Allan Poe would be spinning in his grave if he knew that his poem had prompted Baltimore to harm ravens in the name of marketing."
(© MMVIII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

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