Thursday, May 05, 2005


So here's the deal. I plan on ranting and raving about my writing class. I had to write a paper where I analyse two texts that were written by the same author. These texts have the same theme of lonliness throughout America. Anyhow the texts are from two different genres. One is an essay, and the other was a short story. In my paper, I analysed the effectiveness of the genres in conveying their theme to the audience (me).

Basically my essay said that the essay was full of bullshit and that the author just tried to make herself sound more intellegent than she was. Also I said taht the short story got the theme off very effectively by keeping the reader (again me) interested. Now I said all of this in a much nicer way. I analysed the differences between the two. I also went to the Learning Resource Center and met with a writing tutor about my paper. When I left that, I revised my paper mechanics, the grammar, and all that other good stuff. I turned in what I thought to be an A paper, B+ at worst.

Anyhow, I know the tutur who helped me with the paper, so when I got the paper back, I went to show her how I did. (The tutor is Jimmy my best friends gf). Anyhow I got a C on the paper, which is the same grade I've gotten on EVERY PAPER for the ENTIRE CLASS. As Jenny and I went over the paper and read the teachers comments, we realized that the teacher wasn't taking poings off for my mechanics, or my organization, or my grammar, but for my ideas. Basicall I lost credit on the paper because I felt that the essay was written just to sound smart. I stated in my paper that the essay tends to lose the reader because it doesn't flow well. I also stated that the essay didn't flow well because it was written to "sound smart". The teacher responded with "The only reason a reader would get lost in this essay is if they lacked the critical thinking skill necessary to follow it."

Well in general I think I got a bullshit grade. Also, I have to re-submit the paper, and in order to get the grade I need, i'm going to have to put in HER ideas. I don't want to do it, but I don't think I have any other choice. I am VERY angry about all of this.

P.S. I have a new girlfriend for those of you who are behind on my love life. Her name is Marcie.

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